Is the Digital Business Hub
a meet-up group or online community?

The Digital Business Hub (“the Hub”) is an online community that meets in person.

Who’s eligible to join?

We are excited to meet fellow business and technology leaders in the Pacific Northwest who are driving digital change. These leaders have different titles and different roles: Business leaders (CEO, CFO, CMO, President, Line of Business, CDO, Customer Experience) and Technology leaders (CIO, CTO, VP of Digital), as well as professionals in academia, government, venture capitalist firms, and select members of the business and technology press. 

Am I allowed to use the
Hub as an opportunity for networking and/or pitching?

No, it’s very important that the Hub is a non-recruiting, non-sales environment. We prohibit networking and pitching because we want everyone who participates to feel comfortable sharing or exploring ideas without concern.

How much does it cost to be a member of the Hub?

Membership costs nothing. The Hub is a free community that is sponsored by Sappington.

What’s in it for me?

There are many opportunities for professional growth and thought leadership through membership and participation in the Hub: a supportive community and peer-to-peer forum for discussing digital challenges and opportunities; the opportunity to attend Hub events and learn about digital transformation from thought leaders; access to ongoing digital business education and online resources.

How much of a time commitment is this?

While we’d love to see you at every Hub event, the amount of time you devote to the Hub is entirely up to you. You will be invited to each event and you can decide if the individual event works for you.  

How often are the events?

We’re still developing a cadence, but our goal is to host events on a quarterly basis. The first Hub event will be in fall 2016.

How will I know about upcoming event?

We send event invitations directly to members via email. Event information can also be found on our website when timely. Please feel welcome to contact Erika Schmidt at 

Can I invite guests to join the Hub?

The Hub events are by invitation only, so please encourage others to join! It is important that guests fit the Hub community and we look forward to hearing from your referrals directly. They can join by filling out the online form or by sending an email to 

How was the Hub founded? 

Sappington and other leaders in the Pacific Northwest recognized the need for a community wherein technology and business leaders could come together to discuss the challenges and business opportunities associated with digital disruption today.